May 6, 2022 | Blog, Dental Topics, Dental Topics 1, General Dentistry
Gone are the days when chewing gum is considered poor etiquette. In today’s society, you can find people chewing gum in business meetings, church, and just about every other situation. With gum chewing so prevalent, you may have wondered what it’s doing to people’s...
Apr 15, 2022 | Blog, Dental Topics, Dental Topics 1, General Dentistry
At least twice a year, you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist. These visits allow your dentist to assess you oral health, address any concerns you have, and look for signs of problems. Protecting your teeth and gums is a partnership between you and your...
Mar 18, 2022 | Blog, Dental Topics, Dental Topics 1, General Dentistry
Your body is a little bit like a puzzle. It gives you clues to help you figure out what’s going on within your body. Did you know your mouth can give you hints about things that may be happening elsewhere in your body? Here’s a list of some of the signs your mouth can...
Feb 25, 2022 | Blog, Dental Topics, Dental Topics 1, General Dentistry
Whether you call it pop, soda, soft drink, or something else, these terms all refer to a sugary, carbonated drink popular all over the country. It is estimated that Americans consume over 13 billion gallons of soft drinks each year. These beverages can cause serious...
Aug 13, 2021 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, General Dentistry
Restorative dentistry has made incredible advancements in the technology of restorative dental materials, and there are more options than ever today for your dental crown or dental bridge. Zirconium and porcelain have proven to provide lasting strength and durability,...
Jul 23, 2021 | Blog, Dental Topics, Dental Topics 1, General Dentistry
As we age, our teeth and gums change. Proper care of your teeth as well as eating a good diet can keep your smile beautiful and strong. Certain vitamins and minerals also help promote optimal oral health. As we age, our teeth and gums change. Proper care of your teeth...