Jul 16, 2021 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Invisalign
Nearly two million people worldwide have discovered Invisalign, the latest technology for improving smiles. Treatment involves wearing a series of customized clear plastic aligners to gently shift teeth into better positions. This revolutionary method is appealing to...
Apr 30, 2021 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Invisalign
Let’s face it. When you talk about straightening teeth, images of middle school kids with mouths full of metal and colored bands come into your mind. As an adult, those images might give you nightmares if you imagine it for yourself. But what if you have crooked teeth...
Apr 2, 2021 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Invisalign
But am I too old to deal with the hassle of teeth straightening? You may be surprised to learn how little your routine will change with Invisalign. From your morning schedule, to meals, work-outs, and bedtime you can go about your day in much the same way as before...
Dec 25, 2020 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Invisalign
Having straight teeth is a goal from young people through mature adults, and achieving a great smile without having to wear braces is a wonderful benefit. Awkward moments of a mouth full of metal, food particles stuck in your smile, and painful wires poking your...
Jul 10, 2020 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Invisalign
One of the most recent innovations in modern orthodontics is Invisalign. These unique clear aligners are becoming increasingly popular for improving smiles without the stigma associated with traditional braces. Invisalign aligners straighten teeth by placing gentle...
May 22, 2020 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Invisalign
Straighter teeth are possible through traditional metal braces or Invisalign clear aligners, but how do you know which are right for you? These two types of orthodontics work differently to improve smiles. Invisalign uses invisible removable plastic aligners to...